The Number of a Man
12/22 Reading Portions: 2 Chronicles 26; Revelation 13; Zechariah 9; John 12
This calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666. Revelation 13:18
In Revelation 13, John describes two beasts, one rising from the sea, and another rising out of the earth. The first beast, rising from the sea, is the corrupt world system, the fallen earth, which received a “mortal wound” (Rev 13:3) through God’s wrath by way of a flood because of man’s continual evil (Gen 6:5-7). The second beast is fallen mankind, made in the image of the triune God (Gen 1:27, re: looks like Jesus, the Lamb), yet, sinful and corrupt since Adam’s fall (re: speaks like Satan, the dragon), who emerges from the depths of the dead dust of the ground (Rev 13:11). There will one day be a world leader among earth’s inhabitants, exercising authority upon the earth, extolling the virtues and unlimited potential of humanity (2 Thess 2:3-12), and requiring the people of the world to worship mother earth, proclaiming,
“Who is like the beast, and who can fight against it?” Revelation 13:4
John also tells us of this coming world leader; yet, he says there have been, and are, many antichrists since the first century (1 Jn 2:18).
This chapter also speaks of a mark which will one day be required of the worldly inhabitants (Rev 13:16). It may or may not be a physical mark; however, it is certain it will be a spiritual mark— that of idolatry, whereas a soul will be marked in the mind by his lusts or in the right hand by his actions. What is the mystery of the number of this beast? The word of God tells us it is fallen man. Christ’s perfect number is 777. Man’s number, 666, has fallen short of the 777 of God’s glory (Rom 3:23).
Except we abide in the gospel of Jesus Christ, we are susceptible to Satan’s ploys (2 Cor 11:3) and enticed by “all that is in the world” (1 Jn 2:16). We must see, love, and live Christ’s gospel.
The worldly beast, and that of man,
Are used by Satan to
Defy the Christ and thwart God’s plan,
To deceive both me and you.
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