The Gospel's Lyrical Harmony
9/7 Reading Portions: 2 Samuel 1; 1 Corinthians 12; Ezekiel 10; Psalm 49
I will incline mine ear to a parable: I will open my dark saying upon the harp. Psalm 49:4, KJV
There is never a hint of the Lord Jesus Christ playing a musical instrument in the Scriptures, as David played the lyre (harp). Although David actually played the lyre, when it is used in Scripture concerning our Lord, it is really a parable, a proverb, a dark saying, a description of the mysterious truths from heaven about the Lord Jesus Christ or His gospel.
One of the key elements behind Christ’s power as a flesh and bone Man was His sense of worship at all times. Everything is about the glory of God in worship of Him (Psa 73:25-26; 1 Cor 10:31). This is the ultimate purpose of God’s creation, and most especially as it pertains to the chief end of man. Christ Jesus, as a Man, relied upon the Spirit’s sweet and harmonizing influences to hear (incline mine ear to) the spiritual mysteries of heaven (a parable). He did not rely upon the mere logic of earth (1 Cor 2:14), because the gospel is foolishness to the unsaved world (1 Cor 1:18).
God’s absolute truth and His everlasting gospel come not as a series of facts designed to elicit a conclusion. Instead, they come as a melody, orchestrated to the rhythm of a unique tempo in order to lead men submissively to the cross. Christ was led to Calvary by this heavenly harmony. Likewise, must all other men be led there in this way. Christ’s words were dark sayings, parables, which came forth from His tongue with a supernatural tune (upon the harp). It is only while Jesus Christ leads our submissive lives, as heaven’s great Conductor, will the mysteries of heaven be harmoniously revealed (Mark 4:43-44). To the rebellious, or even to the complacent and indifferent among men, heaven’s revelation will not be given (Matt 13:10-11). Christ’s words are heaven’s hymn, borne along by the Spirit’s tune, filled with the Father’s joy.
The heart of Christ is worship fill’d
With heaven’s mysteries:
Yet, sinful wicked men had kill’d
God’s Song upon a tree.
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