“For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink.” John 6:55
Food and drink for our mortal bodies is not unimportant; however, it is not all-important. Our spiritual nourishment is far more important than sustaining and maintaining our physical bodies.
I often hear objections when I say or preach such things. “Wait a minute, Cardwell,” they protest, “didn’t Jesus teach us to pray, ‘Give us this day our daily bread’?”
Yes, I answer; yet, this is spiritual bread we are to pray for daily, not food for our temporal bodies. Just a few sentences afterward, Jesus said, “When you fast” (Matt 6:17), not “If you fast,” implying the Lord’s command to us. Obviously, we should not be praying for food daily in direct opposition to times of fasting. Moreover, we have at least three more witnesses to prove the significance and importance of spiritual nourishment over the physical in our lives. In the same sermon, Jesus also said,
“Therefore do not be anxious, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’” Matthew 6:31
Moreover, the Lord Jesus said that seeking the Kingdom of God and His righteousness was the first and most important priority (Matt 6:33). Finally, in our portion today, Jesus also said,
“Do not work for the food that perishes, but for the food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give to you. For on Him God the Father has set His seal.” John 6:27
Are you nourished by Christ’s flesh? Does the truth that Jesus is incarnate God, crucified, risen, ascended, and coming again feed your soul, engage your heart, and quicken your mind? Are you refreshed by Christ’s blood? Does the truth of Christ’s cleansing blood quench your thirst and satisfy the deep need of your spirit? Are you laboring for food that endures to life eternal? Christ is the true food that fulfills and fortifies. Hallelujah! What a Savior!
When we have pray’d for Daily Bread,
It’s not wheat loaves we eat;
It’s with the truth of Christ we’re fed,
Our precious gospel meat.
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