“We have sworn to them by the LORD, the God of Israel, and now we may not touch them.” Joshua 9:19
Israel’s leaders made a covenant with the Gibeonites, who were Hivites (Josh 9:7) because the Gibeonites deceived Israel into thinking they came from far away. The leaders failed to heed Moses, who had spoken to them only a few months earlier. Speaking of the Hivites, as well as of the others, God’s Word commanded, “and when the LORD your God gives them over to you, and you defeat them, then you must devote them to complete destruction. You shall make no covenant with them and show no mercy to them” (Deut 7:2). Had they forgotten God’s Word at this point in their conquest? Perhaps. Keep in mind that they did not have several copies of God’s Word in their homes, as we enjoy today. Had they been more familiar with God’s Word, this incident may have unfolded differently, for they probably would have sought the LORD for His wisdom and guidance. As it was, they did not inquire of the LORD. Why is this important to understand?
The conquest in the Promised Land represents our conquest and continued sanctification since we have been saved by God’s grace in Christ. Since there are still corruptions remaining in our mortal flesh, they must be put to death without compromise (Col 3:5). The more we are intimately acquainted with God’s Word, the easier it will be for the Spirit to bring to remembrance the truths of Christ (John 14:26), making us more submissive to God’s will.
If you’ve never read any of the devotionals I’ve written, it wouldn’t bother me in the least. What matters to me most is that you’ve been encouraged to read God’s Word daily; for the Lord Jesus will bring to mind God’s Word, as well as those truths from God’s Word most important for you each day.
The daily reading of God’s Word
Makes me familiar with
All things my spiritual ears have heard
From Christ to conquer sin.