Ephesians 5:13
But when anything is exposed by the light, it becomes visible,
Our Lord Jesus Christ is the Light of the world (John 8:12). He was very God in human flesh when He proclaimed this truth; and though He laid aside His glory as God, Jesus was the most glorious person ever seen upon the planet, before or since (John 1:14). After He was crucified, risen, and ascended into heaven, He was restored to the glory He once knew with the heavenly Father before the world was (John 17:5), a glory far exceeding His person while on earth. Now, with the fullness of His glory restored, we should recognize that the light of Christ’s ascended glory has no darkness whatsoever (1 Jn 1:5), and that He is without variation or shadow of turning (Jas 1:17). Christ’s light is amazing. Christ’s light is revealing. Christ’s light is clarifying. Christ’s light exposes sin. In order for us to repent unto salvation, Christ’s presence, through the effectual work of the Holy Spirit, exposed our sin and made it visible to our once blinded eyes. Now, since we’ve been saved, His presence continues to shed light upon our lives, exposing sin to confess and repent of, as well as humbling us to the dust for His amazing grace. Christ’s light exposes Himself so He is more and more visible to us within the Scriptures. Heaven is only heavenly because of the presence of Jesus Christ. If we don’t want Jesus, we don’t want heaven. He is eternal Life because He is eternal Light. When we study the Scriptures merely to broaden our intellects or follow its instruction to appease our guilt, we’ve turned our back on the Light, and His truth has become dark and veiled.
Christ’s light also exposes Himself so that He is more visible to us in every situation and circumstance— since He is sovereign God. This strengthens our trust in Christ, which in turn, gives us greater focus upon Him, as well as greater commitment to Him.
The Lord Jesus, the Light of life,
Exposes things and me;
Our walk is Christ through the world’s strife
By Light eternally.
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