Christ, the Passion of Our Worship
5/4 Reading Portions: Numbers 11; Psalm 48; Isaiah 1; Hebrews 9
Bring no more vain offerings… Isaiah 1:13
A mere profession of faith in Christ does not mean a soul has been regenerated unto salvation (Jas 2:17-19). It is likewise true that one may profess faith in Jesus Christ and display many actions which on the surface seem good, beneficial to others, and honoring to God, yet they are wicked, as expressed in Isaiah 1:13. The children of Israel brought forth their sacrifices, prayers, and observed holy days; yet the LORD says that these things are vain and abominable to Him. The scribes and Pharisees of Christ’s day were no different. Jesus said of them,
“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs, which outwardly appear beautiful, but within are full of dead people’s bones and all uncleanness.” Matthew 23:27
A heavenly goal can only be attained by heavenly means. Even our worship of God, as perfect it may seem in its external display, requires every bit of God’s grace and every wit of Christ’s gospel. There are enough corruptions in us that the most reverent of our gatherings in praise and worship are flawed and imperfect.
Yet, Jesus Christ’s holy sacrifice was sufficient to cleanse us from the utmost depravity of soul and deformity of spirit. The majesty and excellence of who Jesus Christ is and what He has done must be the passion of every one of our actions and the heart of every gospel work. This is the worship of Spirit and truth (John 4:24). This is the worship acceptable to God (Rom 12:1).
Every action produc’d by men
Must have a gospel heart;
Its passion lies in Christ alone, then
Its light will not depart.
Persevere to cleave to Christ and
Upon His gospel cling;
Pleading e’er for His grace to stand,
E’en when we pray and sing.
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