I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth. 3 John 1:4
We should most certainly walk in the truth because it is the holy, wise, and righteous thing to do. When we walk in the truth, it pleases the heavenly Father because we can only do so by gracious faith (Heb 11:6). Recognizing this, it becomes a blessed motivation for our souls. Our verse today presents us with yet another motivation; it brings joy to the Lord Jesus Christ. Yes, John is writing as a beloved pastor to Gaius in this epistle. Gaius is most certainly the apostle’s child in the faith; however, John’s statement arises from the greater, heavenly truth applied to the children of Jesus Christ. He is, after all, the Everlasting Father (Isa 9:6), and we are His gospel progeny. When we, as parents, question our own children concerning Christ and His gospel, and when their answers are filled with God’s glory, Christ’s exaltation, and a ready grasp of the gospel, we delight with joy unspeakable. How much more is it Christ’s great joy to look upon His dear children, especially as the One who paid the ultimate price for the child’s salvation? Even from John’s perspective as a pastor, it speaks of Christ, who is, after all, our Good Shepherd (John 10:14).
We are energized when we are joyful. Joy is also infectious. Moreover, we are just as invigorated and strengthened when we are in the presence of one who is filled with joy. How much more will be the effects of joy when in the presence of He who is the fullness of all joy? As children ourselves, witnessing the joy of our parents responding to our good behavior, did their joy not spur us on to more good works to please them and bring them joy? Of course, it did. How much more should we bring forth a life of gospel truth because we read from the Word the great joy it brings our Master?
The joy of Christ is great when He
Sees us in truth walking—
With lives of faith and gospel works,
Not just empty talking.
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